Create Healthy Brownies with Coconut Oil and Avocado…

Without a doubt, coconut oil is a super-star ingredient that I use a lot in my recipes including my newest veggies based dessert recipe book. Coconut oil offers so much. It helps to simulate the thyroid which in turn increases…
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Chia Seeds Provide Super Nutrition

As science opens the door to the secrets of nutrition, more and more foods are surfacing as super-foods…foods that go beyond the norm when it comes to providing nutrition for our bodies. Chia seed is one of those super-foods. As…
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Protein Plays an Important Role…Even in Dessert

If you are dieting. you want to lose fat and as little lean body mass as possible and the macro-nutrient protein is the key player to help us do just that. Yet, if we take a look at the macro-nutrient…
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Super Smoothie Bowl…

Love ice-cream and frozen yogurt but not the results of eating them? You have new choices… Whip up a Smoothie Bowl Smoothie bowls are fast becoming the “go to” and perfect replacement for ice-cream or frozen yogurt. Just like ice-cream,…
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Veggies Play an Important Role in Snacks, Treats and Desserts…

The world of vegetables is filled with color from bright yellows, reds and oranges to greens, purples and blues and color translates to nutrient dense; loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and flavor. Unfortunately for the most part (there are a…
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