Sweet Corn Ice Cream With Raspberry Sauce

Sweet Corn Ice Cream may not have been something you would normally consider but the natural sweetness of corn pairs perfectly with cream and other dairy products producing an ice cream that’s unbelievably sweet, creamy, and full of corn
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Mason-Jar Ice Cream

An infinitely adaptable recipe to make ice cream for one (or two if you are feeling generous) in a 1 pint jar. Simple and easy to make, you will have the kids (and you) anxiously checking the freezer to
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Orange Chocolate Ice Cream

2 bananas, chopped frozen 1 orange, peeled 1-2 tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder 1-2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Process in a food processor until smooth and creamy. Serve as soft serve on spoon into a loaf tin
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Chocolate Banana Split Ice Cream

  This recipe tastes EXACTLY like chocolate ice cream and is made with only 6 ingredients and they are all healthy. My favorite way to eat it is as soft serve right out of the blender but you can
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Is This A Million Dollar Recipe?

Would you believe that one of my healthy snack recipes generated more than a quarter of a million dollars in sales? No, it didn’t all go to me. I wish. But I did earn more than my share of
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Snacks Made Of Junkfoods Or Superfoods? Now You Have A Choice. In Fact, 50 Of Them…

Are you tired of being saddled with the annoying consequences of your sweet tooth “guilty pleasures”? Like unwanted weight gain? What if you could ditch those snacks made of “junk” food, and replace them with something just as tasty
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This “Makes You Look Good” Nutrient Was Removed From Your Diet – So You Know What That Means…

I have no desire to physically age before my time. So when I learned our diet is now missing an essential nutrient that helps keep us youthful I figured out a simple way to put it back. Now I
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No Guilt Ice Cream – Mango Berry Ice Cream Cups

With hundreds of varities available, the juicy Mango is a popular fruit enjoyed worldwide by millions daily. Boosting our health with a wealth of antioxidents and phytochemicals, Mangos fortify our bodies against diseases like cancer and leukemia and strengthen
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Savory to Sweet – Spinach Coconut Bars

It is common knowledge that veggies are savory in flavor while fruits are sweet. However, limiting these healthy additions to one category is doing them a huge disservice. That sweets can go into savory dishes is no surprise to
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Carrot Cake Ice-Cream – Delicious and Nutritious!

Dessert – a sweet course such as pastry, fruit or ice-cream enjoyed at the end of a meal or as the last course of a meal. A recent study from Dataessential that included over 2,000 participants revealed the latest
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