Apple Mint Coconut Bars

Yep, I’ve reinvented these favourite indulgent treats without all the refined sugar and excessive carbs… Meet the morish Apple and Mint Bar – perfect for a convenience snack or post workout treat. Ingredients 1 cup coconut butter 2 tablespoons
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Ultimate Green Smoothie Bowl

If you are new to smoothie bowls, they typically have a much thicker consistency than a normal smoothie, are eaten with a spoon and topped with a variety of toppings for added texture and flavors. The fact that you’re
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Superfood Energy Bites (Raw)

It can be challenging to find a healthy on the go snack that is made purely from natural ingredients and will nourish you (and your family). Most of the snacks available in the stores are filled with junk –
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Superfood Energy Bars (Raw)

The energy bars in the image above have been made with cashews, almonds, dates, pistachios, currants and 1 tablespoon beet powder using the method below. To finish, the bars were sprinkled with pistachios, goji berries and coconut flakes to
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Fruit And Nut Logs

These logs really are so easy to make – all you need is a food processor and a few ingredients. You can happily store them in the fridge for up to a month, or in the freezer for up
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Healing Foods Eating Plan (What to Eat & What to Avoid)

What you put in your trolley at the grocery store can have a huge impact on overall health. In fact, while loading your cart up with refined grains, sugary and processed foods can increase inflammation and tank energy levels,
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