Shift Your Perception about Dieting by Adopting the Addition Diet…

Elimination diets have been around for a while now. They are a dime a dozen putting focus on food groups that need elimination from your diet. Filled with words like “can’t,” don’t touch,” and “bad for you”…all pointing the
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Whey Protein…An Excellent Source of Protein

Whey protein is a naturally complete, high quality source of easily digested protein and bio-available essential amino acids. It is a complete protein, low in lactose content, containing all 9 essential amino acids that is easily digested and absorbs
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Cashew Ginger Crunch

Fresh ginger is a spice known botanically as Zingiber officinale.   This odd “horn shaped” spice offers a distinctive flavor. It is pungent, spicy and aromatic adding special flavor and zest to many fruit and veggie recipes. Ginger has
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Raw Cacao – A Rich Source of Nutrients and a Powerhouse of Antioxidants

The cacao bean is the source of both cacao powder and cocoa powder. However, if you are looking for the purest form of chocolate you can consume packed with the most nutrients, raw cacao is your answer. Cacao powder
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Treat Your Sweet Tooth to Healthy Raw Desserts…

Shifting your lifestyle from one with destructive, disease inviting habits to one that embraces health and wards off disease doesn’t have to be as painful as some people believe especially when it comes to diet. Many people are under
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Choosing Healthy Fats – Good Fats v Bad Fats

Although nutritionists and doctors alike have been preaching the benefits of a low-fat diet as one of the keys to managing cholesterol, losing weight and preventing future health issues, it’s really more about what types of fat you eat…not
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Symptoms and Signs of Gluten Intolerance

There’s one food that is at the heart of many different problems today when it comes to health as well as body weight, that food is gluten. Gluten is coming into greater awareness and getting a lot of attention
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Chocolate Zucchini Bars

Zucchini, a summer squash (also goes by the name courgette), has its origins in America although countries like Japan, China, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Egypt and Argentina are the largest producers of Zucchini today. Although there are a few varieties
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Health Enhancing “Veggie” Desserts…

Do you view dessert as your enemy? Have you assigned a “damaging” title to it subconsciously? If so, it’s time to change your perception of dessert to something that contributes to your health rather than subtracting from it and
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Versatile Health Providing Pine Nuts…

The crunchy but buttery textured, sweet pine nut is often overlooked in many people’s diets. Pine nuts are actually seeds that are collected from pine trees cultivated mainly in Europe and the US. Eaten for centuries, they were enjoyed
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