Nutrient Dense Desserts and Treats – Brownies with Avocado Frosting

Nutrient dense foods. What are they and why do we need them? Nutrient dense profiling is the scientific way to rank or classify foods according to the nutrients they contain. Getting enough nutrients into our bodies can be challenging
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Carrot Cake Ice-Cream – Delicious and Nutritious!

Dessert – a sweet course such as pastry, fruit or ice-cream enjoyed at the end of a meal or as the last course of a meal. A recent study from Dataessential that included over 2,000 participants revealed the latest
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Dates are the Perfect Sweet Binder and Base…

As consciousness shifts towards healthier living and eating, sugar-free foods continue to be a hot topic and new and healthier recipes are surfacing to meet the demands of these health conscious cooks. Making the switch to sugar free desserts
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Explore the Exciting World of Raw Sweet Desserts and Treats…

Have you ever made a cake without having to bake it? Or whipped up desserts like chocolate mousse, cookies, and ice cream without using sugar, flour, dairy, soy or eggs as ingredients? Does that seem impossible to you? It’s
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Yummy Green Coconut Fudge…

Adding taste and color to desserts using veggies is not a new idea but is gaining serious attention once again as more and more people get focused on getting nutritional benefit from every bite they eat…including dessert. Let’s face
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