Choc-Orange Jaffa Smoothie

Choc-Orange Jaffa Smoothie A super healthy smoothie that is like sunshine in a glass, and makes a perfect breakfast, lunch or snack! If you love the taste of chocolate and orange together as much as I do, you wil
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Double Decker Super Healthy Gummies

Double Decker Super Healthy Gummies Gummies are the perfect snack for kids and adults alike. However, most store-bought gummies contain refined sugars like glucose syrup, sugar, dextrose or artificial flavors and colors, which doesn’t make them the healthiest option.
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Blueberry & Lemon Cream Bars

Blueberry & Lemon Cream Bars Lemon and blueberry, is there a better combination? The tartness of lemon, the sweetness of perfectly ripened fresh blueberries…so, so good!  These no-bake blueberry lemon cream bars have the perfect blend of tart,
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Blueberry Avocado Smoothie Bowl

  Blueberry Avocado Smoothie Bowl When life is in super speed mode, there are mornings that you can forget to eat. YES! Imagine that! Its possible to forget to put food in your mouth until lunch time. I practiced
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Almond Nougat Protein Bars

Almond Nougat Protein Bars If you have been on the search for an easy, nutritious homemade protein/energy bar, then this is the ULTIMATE one! This no-bake recipe is so delicious and is so easy to put together. Adjustable, delicious,
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Blue Spirulina Swirl Fudge

Blue Spirulina Swirl Fudge Velvety, smooth, bright and vibrant healthy fudge tha tlooks a picture of yum! Seriously…this recipe makes it easy to create homemade candy with swirls of the blue spirulina superfood with no candy thermometer needed! The
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Protein Nanaimo Bars

Protein Nanaimo Bars I had no idea what Nanaimo bars were until someone requested for a healthy version of it, and when I looked it up, I just knew I had to go for it. I found out it
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Chia Overnight Oats

Chia Overnight Oats Sweeten up your breakfast and take the stress out of your mornings with this hearty and delicious breakfast on-the-go. Its packed with nutrition and easy to work with on the hurry-up-and-get-there morning run-around. It’s a great
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Chocolate Lemon Cashew Squares

Chocolate Lemon Cashew Squares These cashew cheesecake squares are made with simple ingredients that you probably already have on hand. They look as impressive as they taste, and you will love that they are naturally sweetened. This no bake
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Avocado Protein Bars

Avocado Protein Bars These no bake Avocado Protein Bars come together quickly and make the perfect snack. You only need a handful of ingredients and they take around five minutes to construct making them a really simple recipe to
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