Chocolate Banana Split Ice Cream

  This recipe tastes EXACTLY like chocolate ice cream and is made with only 6 ingredients and they are all healthy. My favorite way to eat it is as soft serve right out of the blender but you can
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Savory to Sweet – Spinach Coconut Bars

It is common knowledge that veggies are savory in flavor while fruits are sweet. However, limiting these healthy additions to one category is doing them a huge disservice. That sweets can go into savory dishes is no surprise to
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Carrot Cake Ice-Cream – Delicious and Nutritious!

Dessert – a sweet course such as pastry, fruit or ice-cream enjoyed at the end of a meal or as the last course of a meal. A recent study from Dataessential that included over 2,000 participants revealed the latest
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Hidden Nutrition in Every Bite…

What has the power to add vibrant color, added moisture, texture and nutrients to all types of recipes, and is easily at home in breakfast, snack, and treat or dessert recipes? Veggies of course. With the array of color
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Yummy Green Coconut Fudge…

Adding taste and color to desserts using veggies is not a new idea but is gaining serious attention once again as more and more people get focused on getting nutritional benefit from every bite they eat…including dessert. Let’s face
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