Shift Your Perception about Dieting by Adopting the Addition Diet…


additon diet3Elimination diets have been around for a while now. They are a dime a dozen putting focus on food groups that need elimination from your diet. Filled with words like “can’t,” don’t touch,” and “bad for you”…all pointing the fingers in a negative direction.

It’s no surprise then that many people “fall off the bandwagon” when trying to improve their eating habits by following such negativity.

But just as all things in life change and evolve, so too does healthy eating and there’s a new kid on the block gaining popularity called the “addition diet.” Even the name sounds positive and reflects positive images into our psyches.

The “addition diet” represents a real shift in perceptions (a psychological shift) from negatively to positively approaching our diets. It shifts the “can’t” to “can”…a much more empowered way of doing things.

Truth is, human beings are curious by nature. If we are told we cannot do something or cannot eat something it seems as though a trigger goes off inside and suddenly we want those things more than ever and that’s when real battle begins.

The “addition diet” avoids this negative “dieting” trigger by allowing you to add foods not subtract them.

This puts your mind in a different mindset, a healthy, positive mindset…one focused on the positive rather than the negative putting you on a direct path to success.

Dieting in general teaches us to remove unwanted, unhealthy foods such as certain types of breads, sugar and all processed foods but they fail to inform us on what to replace these foods with so we’re left with a big gap in food and meal choices. Unfortunately most times we end up filling these gaps with “junk foods.”

The first thing you need to do before beginning an “addition diet” is to make a list of foods that will be added to your eating plan rather than subtracted from. These foods should be real, natural, whole fresh choices.

Your goal should still be stellar health and vibrant living and that can only happen with real live food.

So, if you’re ready to shift your diet perceptions from negative to positive then it’s time to start making a list of foods you’ll want to incorporate into your new “addition diet.”

Here a short list to get you started (this list is only an example and not the end-all).

Fruits and Vegetables: Be adventurous and expand your horizons. Mother Earth has provided us a rich bounty. Try some fruits or vegetables that you have not been willing to try before…or possibly some you have not had in a while. Vegetables such as sweet potatoes are perfect choices but why not reach for that Mango you’ve never tried too?

Protein: This is another area that you can get adventurous in. Quality proteins include things such as grass fed meats, fresh fish from the ocean and free range poultry and eggs. High quality whey protein powders are also good choices.

Healthy fats: Your body needs fat in order to be healthy but we’re talking healthy fats – not bad ones. Coconut oil is one of the perfect fats that can replace some of the “bad fats” that may be lurking in your kitchen cabinets.

Nuts and seeds – There are lots of raw nuts and seeds you can add – nutrient-rich and packed full of healthy fats too.

The whole idea of an addition diet is to focus on adding foods into your diet that “contribute” to your health balance and by doing so; you automatically “crowd out” the ones that are “subtracting” from your health balance.

Simple, important and powerful!

You don’t have to give up desserts and treats either if you plan and choose the right ingredients – even desserts can be made healthy, nutritious (using veggies and fruits will help you meet your daily requirements too) and good for you!

If you are ready to take your traditional desserts, treats and snacks and turn them into “life giving” ones grab my “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies. “  In it you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treats and dessert recipes…

It’s time to make every bite you take count!

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