Pineapple Whip With 2-Ingredients



Pineapple Whip With 2-Ingredients

If you are not familiar with Dole Whip, it’s a dairy-free pineapple sorbet, with the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. It’s amazingly delicious! It’s also pretty difficult to come by, unless you are visiting Disneyland or the Dole Plantation in Hawaii.
Created in 1984 by the Dole Food Company, Dole Whip is a soft serve dessert item made from real pineapple. Although the overwhelming flavor is pineapple, it has a certain tropical flavor that is absolutely delicious, something coconutty and creamy.
The Dole whip you can buy at Disneyland is made with sugar, coconut oil, natural and artificia lflavors (including pineapple juice), and lots of stabilizers. This allows it be mixed with water and come out of a soft serve machine, but it’s not exactly something you want to replicate at home.
How To Make Healthier Dole Whip at Home
Calling for just two ingredients, this homemade Dole Whip couldn’t be easier to prepare. It doesn't have the exact same texture as the original, but you can pipe it into a glass for a similar effect!
Combine the frozen pineapple with the any milk (or juice), then blend until a frozen sorbet texture is achieved.
Place frozen pineapple and condensed milk in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the blade attachment. Process for about 1 minute or until smooth. Serve immediately or freeze for 30 to 40 minutes for a firmer texture.
This Pineapple Whip is - super rich, uber decadent - but it’s secretly healthy and guilt-free!  The big secret here is that you will be using homemade condensed milk, free of the LOADS of sugar in store bought stuff. 
The facts are… manufacturers take out about 60% of the water from the milk to “condense” it down. After they“condense” the milk, they add about 40% sugar to fill the void from the water.
I’m sure you’re asking yourself why the manufacturers do this. Well, the added sugar means the shelf life is longer,plus transporting the milk is easier due to not having to store it in cooler temperatures.
Its always about the convenience to them,rather than peoples health.
But when you take the time and effort to make your own condensed milk, especially if its from coconut cream to make this delightful pineapple frozen dessert treat you get all the real, natural coconut flavor - no artificial food flavorings here! Each little scoop is like a piece of heaven.
The recipe for the homemade condensed milk is below in notes. It really very easy to do and you can keep some in your fridge so its ready to add a dollop on EVERYTHING for a super healthy treat.
It will be something you can enjoy regularly as part of a healthy eating plan. Its high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a form of beneficial fat that can increase energy levels and enhance brain function and has many other health benefits.
MCTs also help people lose weight by making them feel fuller longer and encouraging fat burning, they also have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that can boost the immune system and promote healthy skin.
Dole Whip doesn’t have to just be pineapple. You can use many other frozen fruits to create this delicious mixture, have it taste great, and still get that creamy texture.
Some different flavors you could do: strawberry, mango, raspberry, orange, banana, so many more. There are also options to mix it up! Swirl vanilla ice cream with your Whip as you are serving it up for a creamy vanilla flavor and beautiful look.
For a zesty flair, add lemon or lime juice to whatever fruit concoction you are making to create a slight sour punch an tropical element. This recipe is just a starting point. You can also add your own add ins or toppings like nuts, dried fruit, seeds or other flavours to the 2-ingredient base nice cream recipe.
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Healthy Clean Eating
Keyword clean eating dessert or snack, healthier pineapple whip, pineapple dessert treat, pineapple nice cream, pineapple whip 2 ingredients
Servings 4


  • 4 cups pineapple chunks, frozen
  • 1 cup store bought or homemade sugar free condensed milk - recipe below in notes
  • Taste test and add honey or maple syrup if needed.


  • In a high-speed blender or food processor,combine the frozen pineapple and condensed milk, then blend until a smooth,ice-cream-like texture is achieved.
    For an authentic Dole Whip presentation,transfer the frozen dessert to a large plastic bag, and cut off the tip to create a piping bag. Pipe the pineapple whip into 4 dishes, and serve immediately!
    Any leftovers can be frozen in an ice cube tray and used in smoothies later.


Elevate your dessert game with my sugar free condensed milk recipe.
Avid bakers are all too familiar with sweetened condensed milk, but what about those of us who love to bake but need to cut out excess sugar?
There aren’t too many sugar-free varieties on the market, and the ones I’ve tried… miss the mark. So, I came up with a sugar-free version of classic condensed milk, and now I use it in everything!
There are some recipes that are just better with condensed milk (think fudge and ice cream!)
This is a super simple recipe that creates a delicious sugar free condensed milk, perfect for eating straight out the jar or in your favourite recipes!
There are some recipes that are just better with condensed milk (think fudge and ice cream!)
This is a super simple recipe that creates a delicious sugar free condensed milk, perfect for eating straight out the jar or in your favourite recipes!
Go here for the recipe: Sugar Free Homemade Condensed Coconut Milk 
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If you are looking for more delicious, healthy, no bake desserts and treats to help you reach your health, wellness and fitness goals, you will love my collection here: Blended Bites 

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