Healthier Chocolate Fudge Squares


Healthier Chocolate Fudge Squares

As a health nut, I am always looking for ways to “healthify” those not-so-healthy old fashioned recipes.
I am a true advocate of ‘clean eating’ and believe the body can thrive best off of whole,natural, unprocessed, and unrefined foods… but that sure doesn’t mean those foods have to be bland or boring! We can still have our sweet snacks and treats but we can make sure they are as healthy as we can make them.
Enter Healthier Chocolate Fudge Squares.
A chewy, yet crunchy, sweet, chocolaty bottom, topped with a rich, fudgey (is that a word?!), decadent, chocolaty layer, cut into a delightful little four bite square. YUM.
This recipe is a perfect ‘I-need-a-little-treat-but-don’t-want-to-actually-have-a-bad-treat! The squares are made with minimal ingredients, all natural and all good for you; nuts, dates, cocoa powder, honey, peanut butter, banana and a splash of vanilla.
That’s it, that’s all – no flour, no refined sugars, no chemicals, no additives, no bad stuff! Just good whole food to help you make yourself strong and healthy.
You can make these babies in about 15 minutes flat, and then pop the tray in the freezer for about 30 minutes. That’s it…done!
It’s a bit of a revelation to know that no longer, do cakes, cupcakes, brownies, pies, cheesecakes, slices and squares need to be made with white sugar, white flour, shortening or other processed garbage. They do not even have to be baked as they don’t have eggs and raw flour in them.
These amazing and delicious treats are made with whole unprocessed ingredients. Absolutely no refined sugar, flour, or chemicals in these super delicious and incredibly easy homemade chocolate fudge squares!
These treats are a mix of textures – chewy, crunchy and gooey. It hits the sweet spot that’s for sure. You can even customize them by adding one cup of add-ins or toppings like more chopped nuts, dried fruit, coconut or chocolate chips for example.
Eat them straight out of the freezer if you like as they do not freeze solid, and are easy to bite into and will soften up in a minute or so at room temperature.
These rich, creamy, and delicious fudge treats are also perfect for special occasions, potlucks, or family gatherings and will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. You WILL be asked for the recipe.
Course Dessert, Snack
Keyword chocolate fudge slice no bake, chocolate fudge slice raw, clean eating dessert or snack, healthier chocolate fudge squares, healthy chocolate fudge slice
Servings 16


  • 2 cups almonds, walnuts or a mix of your choice
  • 1 cup dates, soaked 30 minutes and drained
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup peanut (or any other nut or seed) butter
  • 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Line an 8 x 8”baking pan or dish with parchment paper on the bottom and sides leaving some overhanging to act as a handle to get the squares out easier for cutting.
    Place almonds into a food processer and process until broken down and crumbly. Add dates, bananas, cocoa powder, peanut butter, honey and vanilla and continue to process until mixture is well combined and smooth.
    Press the mixture into the bottom of your pan or dish evenly with a spatula or back of a spoon.
    Place in freezer for 30 minutes then remove and cut into16 squares.
    Re-freeze whatever you don’t eat, and enjoy at another time!
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If you are looking for more delicious, healthy, no bake desserts and treats to help you reach your health, wellness and fitness goals, you will love my collection here: Blended Bites 

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