Snacks Made Of Junkfoods Or Superfoods? Now You Have A Choice. In Fact, 50 Of Them…

Are you tired of being saddled with the annoying consequences of your sweet tooth “guilty pleasures”? Like unwanted weight gain? What if you could ditch those snacks made of “junk” food, and replace them with something just as tasty
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This “Makes You Look Good” Nutrient Was Removed From Your Diet – So You Know What That Means…

I have no desire to physically age before my time. So when I learned our diet is now missing an essential nutrient that helps keep us youthful I figured out a simple way to put it back. Now I
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Savory to Sweet – Spinach Coconut Bars

It is common knowledge that veggies are savory in flavor while fruits are sweet. However, limiting these healthy additions to one category is doing them a huge disservice. That sweets can go into savory dishes is no surprise to
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Dates are the Perfect Sweet Binder and Base…

As consciousness shifts towards healthier living and eating, sugar-free foods continue to be a hot topic and new and healthier recipes are surfacing to meet the demands of these health conscious cooks. Making the switch to sugar free desserts
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