Strawberry Whipped Cottage Cheese Mousse

Strawberry Whipped Cottage Cheese Mousse Cottage cheese has gotten a makeover from when our grandparents ate it with pears or pineapple on top. (Remember that?) Growing up in the 1980s, cottage cheese had a bad rep. I think because
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Butterscotch Cashew Bites

Butterscotch Cashew Bites If you love butterscotch these two bite treats are for you! Rich, smooth, and totally decadent. I *could* eat butterscotch straight up with a spoon, but a little self-control will yield some pretty darn good bites
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Coconut Lemon Slice

  Coconut Lemon Slice Most sweet treats are sugar laden and contain refined grains, both of which leave us with next to no nutrition and a sugar low. When we provide our body with a sweet treat that is
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