Mini Carrot Cakes With Cashew Cream Frosting

  Mini Carrot Cakes With Cashew Cream Frosting Here is your new favorite carrot cake recipe…and it happens to be very healthy! These no bake mini carrot cakes are healthy in the sense they are highly nutritious. There are
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Healthiest Smoothie In The World

Are you getting your greens? They are healthiest raw but remember, you can always juice them or blend them to make them go down nice and easy. This orange, banana, spinach smoothie is a delicious blend of fruit and
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Tropical Coconut Ice Cream

Who knew? This delightfully sweet, creamy and rich dessert has spinach in it. Packed with a plethora of vitamins and filling fiber, spinach is one of the most popular veggies that’s recognized as a superfood. But it’s not usually
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Sweet Corn Ice Cream With Raspberry Sauce

Sweet Corn Ice Cream may not have been something you would normally consider but the natural sweetness of corn pairs perfectly with cream and other dairy products producing an ice cream that’s unbelievably sweet, creamy, and full of corn
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Carrot Cake Ice-Cream – Delicious and Nutritious!

Dessert – a sweet course such as pastry, fruit or ice-cream enjoyed at the end of a meal or as the last course of a meal. A recent study from Dataessential that included over 2,000 participants revealed the latest
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Explore the Exciting World of Raw Sweet Desserts and Treats…

Have you ever made a cake without having to bake it? Or whipped up desserts like chocolate mousse, cookies, and ice cream without using sugar, flour, dairy, soy or eggs as ingredients? Does that seem impossible to you? It’s
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Yummy Green Coconut Fudge…

Adding taste and color to desserts using veggies is not a new idea but is gaining serious attention once again as more and more people get focused on getting nutritional benefit from every bite they eat…including dessert. Let’s face
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