Tiny But Powerful Goji Berry…

The incredible edible Goji Berry. This little but power packed berry has been around since the early days of Chinese medicine (they are still used to treat eye, liver and kidney issues) and has recently surfaced and regained popularity.
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The Incredibly Versatile Sweet Potato…

The incredible sweet potato. This high powered super food deserves a article of its own for what it contributes to our health and well-being. Sweet potatoes are root veggies (meaning they grow below ground) that are treated in similar
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Yummy Lemon Kale Cheesecake

Kale in a cheesecake? You bet! All hale the kale! Without a doubt, Kale has surfaced as a trendy but here to stay super-food. There are a few different varieties of kale available that include dinosaur kale, curly kale,
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Delicious Chocolate Zucchini Cheesecake

Super foods are an amazing source of minerals, vitamins and super-antioxidants (to fight disease). All the attention, focus and trend towards incorporating them into our diets is here to stay. Every year new superfoods are being discovered and
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Pumpkins Pay Big Health Dividends…

Pumpkins are oftentimes associated with the fall season, but this stand-out super-food is an excellent ingredient to use year round in both savory and sweet dishes. The beautiful orange unique globe shaped squash is low in calories with only
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Protein Fluff Your New Favorite Dessert

Do you love ice cream but hate the effects if leaves your body with? Do you wish someone would create a frozen decadent dessert that was not loaded with dead calories? Your dream has come true. You need only
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Create Healthy Brownies with Coconut Oil and Avocado…

Without a doubt, coconut oil is a super-star ingredient that I use a lot in my recipes including my newest veggies based dessert recipe book. Coconut oil offers so much. It helps to simulate the thyroid which in turn
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Yummy Green Coconut Fudge…

Adding taste and color to desserts using veggies is not a new idea but is gaining serious attention once again as more and more people get focused on getting nutritional benefit from every bite they eat…including dessert. Let’s face
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Banana Cream Pie With Benefits…

In all probability you’ve likely enjoyed numerous cream pies throughout your lifetime including the luscious, delicious banana cream pie. But, have you ever enjoyed Banana Cream Pie that offers health benefits? Your answer is probably no because back in
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Veggies Play an Important Role in Snacks, Treats and Desserts…

The world of vegetables is filled with color from bright yellows, reds and oranges to greens, purples and blues and color translates to nutrient dense; loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and flavor. Unfortunately for the most part (there are
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