No Guilt Ice Cream – Mango Berry Ice Cream Cups


With hundreds of varities available, the juicy Mango is a popular fruit enjoyed worldwide by millions daily. Boosting our health with a wealth of antioxidents and phytochemicals, Mangos fortify our bodies against diseases like cancer and leukemia and strengthen our hearts without adding unnessary cholesterol.

Often called the “king of fruits,” the virtues of these pulpy, fruits have been around for a long time. First cultivated in India thousands of years ago, this highly prized fruit was even said to be a favorite of the Master Buddha who found peace and solace by meditating among the orchards and groves.

Some Health Benefits that Mangos Offer –

Immunity Booster. One average sized Mango packs a punch when it comes to vitamin C. Vitmain C is an immunity booster and bolsters our health, helping us avoid colds and flu’s. One average Mango provides nearly two-thirds of our daily vitamin C requirements.

Regulates Cholesteral Levels. Because of their satiating quality and phytochemicals, Mangos help us control cholesterol levels and body fat, keeping heart-related diseases at bay.

Skin-friendly. Enjoyed in moderation, Mangos kick in a wealth of vitamin C and vitamin A, exfoliating and eliminating dead, lifeless pores – crucial for skin repair. According to health practitioner Shilpa Arora ND, “Mangoes are loaded with nutrients that work to heal and repair the skin.” Dense with fiber, they help cleanse the gut, eliminating the toxic stuff.

Helps with Weight Loss. All fruits and veggies that are high fiber help us to feel full which prevents over-eating other fattening snacks and Mangos are no different. The high fiber content in Mangos along with the phytochemicals offer natural fat busters.

Promotes Healthy Eyes. Rich in beta-carotene, Mangos boost the production of Vitamin A, a powerful antioxident that, among other things improves vision while helping to prevent macular-degeneration, an age-related vision loss.

Increases Body Alkalinity. Potassium increases our alkaline levels and Mangos offer our bodies plenty of this mineral. Potassium also helps us to maintain a healthy heart and prevents hypertension that could otherwise lead to cardiovascular issues.

Slows Aging. The collagen in Mangos helps to prevent those dreaded wrinkles that seem to appear out of no where as we age. To increase the anti-aging benefits, the pulp is often slathered directly on the face.

It’s time to put Mangos to the taste-test and choose which the ones favored by your taste buds. Your body will thank you for it!

Mango Berry Ice-Cream Cups

No Guilt Ice Cream – Mango Berry Ice Cream Cups
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Carolyn Hansen
Puply and delicious, Mangos offer a wealth of health benefits. This sumptuous fruit even take ice-cream to a new level helping us avoid the guilt normall associated with this all-time favorite dessert.
  • Base
  • ¾ cup cashews
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
  • Pinch of salt
  • Blend all ingredients together until well combined and mixture starts to stick together.
  • Press into 2 small individual cake moulds of your choice that have been lined with
  • plastic wrap.
  • Place in fridge.
  • Filling
  • ½ cup cashews
  • ½ cup any berries, frozen
  • ½ cup mango, chopped frozen
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil, warmed until liquid
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
  • Pinch of salt
  1. Blend all ingredients together until well combined and mixture starts to stick together.
  2. Press into 2 small individual cake moulds of your choice that have been lined with plastic wrap. Place in fridge
  1. Blend all filling ingredients together then fill the shells with the ice cream and garnish with slices of mango. YUM!

Mangos offer our bodies such a weath of health benefits, isn’t it time to give them the attention they deserve?

For more delicious, nutritious desserts and treats – 

“Blended Bites” 

Inside  you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes…









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