Versatile Health Providing Pine Nuts…

The crunchy but buttery textured, sweet pine nut is often overlooked in many people’s diets. Pine nuts are actually seeds that are collected from pine trees cultivated mainly in Europe and the US. Eaten for centuries, they were enjoyed
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Terrible Toxins and Excess Body Fat…

New evidence is emerging regarding the role of the level of toxins in the body as a contributing factor in excess weight. As these toxins are stored in our body in fat cells, those with a higher body fat
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Dates are the Perfect Sweet Binder and Base…

As consciousness shifts towards healthier living and eating, sugar-free foods continue to be a hot topic and new and healthier recipes are surfacing to meet the demands of these health conscious cooks. Making the switch to sugar free desserts
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The Incredible Edible Nut…

What’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids and provides a rich source of protein, and energy? Nuts and seeds of course. Mother Nature certainly did it right when she created this little crunchy yet buttery edible
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