An Eating Plan That Avoids Restriction And Focuses On Addition

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The fitness industry is swamped with diet plans that promise things that even the genie from Aladdin’s lamp couldn’t grant. Even worse, every single one focuses on a restriction and rules that peg you into a camp of people that are so rabid that different sects and level of following have emerged.

“OH I’m paleo vegan who only eats wheatgrass from the mountains of Machu Pichu, on Tuesdays after it’s been blessed by a shamanic leader of the Takanawa Tribes or special leaves from a tree in the Amazon jungle”.

To be fair, I have no problem with people that follow diet plans or restrictive lifestyles. I, myself, am a strong personality when it comes to approach and lifestyle. I, do, however have experience as a long-term Fitness Professional when it comes to coaching people and know that change, as much as we all want it, is hard.

We are inherently opposed to change when we feel uncertain about the terms and conditions that come with change. Diet plans, while they work, don’t offer much freedom or choice. Even further, they lack a sense of awareness and fail to teach the people that are half-heartedly following the rules of the diet.

Rather than a diet plan, I like concepts. Concepts of habit formation around nutrition. So, today I want to focus on Addition instead of Subtraction or restriction. There are three things we are going to focus on Adding to our current diet to help us make better choices and bring a strong awareness around what you eat.

1st Nutrition add on: Define your why!

Call it motivation or drive, the fact is you need a reason why you want to get where you want to with your nutrition. If you lack a “Why” you will find yourself jumping from plan to plan and thoughts around nutrition more than you can count on both hands. Get clear about your goals and define what results you want to see.

Here’s the formula: Why + questions =goal.

Ask questions like: Why do I want to change my diet? What do I want to look like in x amount of months? How do I know it’s working(e.g. How do I feel?)

Following that take the following formula to refine and define your path for success.

Formula: (Strategy + action step) x consistency=Results

Implement a strategy, focus on a specific action, and keep it consistent and develop a deeper layer once you feel like you can go further or want to do more.

After all, small hinges swing big doors!

2nd Nutrition add on: Do more of what you are already doing well

This is where we look at what we have really dialed in from a nutritional perspective and develop it further. An example is crucial here for understanding.

For example, I try and focus on getting some protein every time I have dinner. I can do this with great ease because, I cook dinner and make sure I have a healthy protein source first and foremost with dinner every night.

Then I add several portions of vegetables to that protein source and I then have a healthy balanced meal.

3rd Nutrition add on: If you haven’t noticed by now, we are not talking about the specific of diet. We are talking about habits. Why, because habits are principles and principles produce techniques instantly when thought about when a person matches themselves to the surround environment and lifestyle.

There are many things that we can’t control in this world but we do have a choice with the foods we eat.

The “addition diet,” also known as the “add, not subtract” approach to healthy eating, is a method that focuses on incorporating nutrient-rich, wholesome foods into your meals and snacks rather than emphasizing what foods to eliminate or restrict.

This approach encourages a positive and sustainable relationship with food by quality lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy, nuts, seeds, and other unprocessed ingredients to your diet.

The idea is that by filling your plate with nutritious options, there’s naturally less room for empty calories, which can lead to weight loss without the feeling of deprivation often associated with traditional diets.

It’s about creating a balanced and satisfying diet that includes the foods you enjoy while meeting your nutritional needs.

Protein on an Addition Diet

The human body cannot live without protein. It forms the building blocks that create blood cells, hormones, enzyme, and antibodies. Protein shapes bones, muscles, skin, hair, and organs. Meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, and even tempeh (traditionally-fermented soy) contribute to a well-rounded diet, as long as they are raised on their natural diet.

Adding Vegetables to Your Diet

Antioxidant, mineral-rich, anti-inflammatory, high-vitamin vegetables are the basis of an optimal diet. Up to 2/3 of your plate can be vegetables. How many servings of vegetables do you eat per day?

Regardless of where you are, you can do a little better each day, adding more quantity, quality, or diversity. If you eat mostly salads, you can add cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and cauliflower. On the other hand, if you eat a lot of steamed vegetables, try more dark leafy greens, including kale, spinach, and chard.

Incorporating Healthful Fats

No addition diet is complete without the inclusion of both unsaturated and saturated fats. Your brain is largely made up of saturated fat. But your cell membranes require unsaturated fat. So, both plant and animal fats are beneficial. But, stay away from man-made fats.

For generations, we have been told to eat a low-fat diet. The results have been rather disappointing. Instead of reducing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity, low-fat diets seemed to have contributed even more to the epidemic.

While going to extremes in fat consumption is not necessarily desirable, you can saute, grill, fry, and dress with the kinds of fats that occur in nature. Additionally, snacking on olives, avocados, whole-fat dairy products, raw nuts, and seeds definitely trumps eating potato chips, cookies, and other commercial snack foods.

Add Before You Subtract

It may be discouraging to think about removing sugar or processed foods from your diet. Yet, by the time you add the bounty of options nature has provided, you will not have room for artificial and refined products! Truly, an addition diet is an abundant and very doable way to eat!

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